How to obtain Visa "passeport talent" with scientific mention from MADIS

Only for PhD student registered at University of Lille. Process has be done by the supervisor.

Before registration at  MADIS via ADUM, Doctoral candidates of CERI-SN, CRIStAL and INRIA must have given the application form for a ZRR access demand to their unit research.

Before applying to the MADIS on ADUM, candidates from the GEMTEX and PAINLEVE laboratories who are not nationals of the Schengen area must obtain a favorable opinion from the Defense Security Officer.


Gestionnaire RH
Bureau de gestion individuelle des enseignants
Service de la gestion des personnels enseignants
Domaine du Pont de bois
Bâtiment B administratif
BP 60149
59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
Tél : 03 62 26 95 74
Mél : nicolas.detourneuniv-lillefr


 Mme Hélène SELOSSE
Cheffe des services affaires doctorales - Analyse et Promotion des activités de recherche
Cité scientifique - bâtiment A3
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tél : 03 62 26 80 89
Mél : helene.selosseuniv-lillefr

Please join  :

- a passport copy,
- a letter from Graduate School MADIS-631 that attests the mobility duration and funding.