Key points of the defence process

To start the defense procedure, you must

  • Be registered in PhD at  2023-2024 ;

  • Have achieved the objectives set out in the individual training agreement for the number of doctoral training credits obtained, including validated participation in training in research ethics ;

  • Complete your skills portfolio in ADUM ;

  • Enter your co-authored publications in ADUM.

  • PhD in mathematics : Please contact 'Comité des thèses et HDR'  [  ] in order to determine the two reviewers.

Do not hesitate to contact EG MADIS administrative staff for a pre-examination of your defense committee.

As defence is a specific process, please contact you supervisor for this purpose. Please read the French version for the process defined by your institution.

You must be registered pedagogically and administratively to start the defence process.

Committee :

Read the slides about committee.

To report on a thesis, a foreign colleague must

Researchers holding a permanent position in a university or research center abroad who cannot be assimilated to university professors, and who work in a country where there is no diploma equivalent to the HDR, may be considered, for the purpose of reporting on a thesis, as having the equivalence of a accreditation to supervise research, provided that they have been the director of at least two defended PhD theses. However, they will not be considered as university professors. They will therefore be considered as rank B members.

To be considered as a rank A member (minimum 50% of members in a jury), a foreign colleague must hold the position of professor or equivalent (list of equivalences MCF-PR)

Manuscript template :  

Logo MADIS - Template latex of first page

Doctoral contracts co-financed by the Hauts de France region must respect the following obligations.

Important dates :

Defence without any registration 2023-2024 : December 31st, 2023

Schedule for defence : important dates