Comment se loger à Lille (informations en anglais données par les responsables des Graduate Programs) pour doctorants EG-MADIS 631

Please find all all information about housing in file written by Graduate Program.  

Housing on campus (CROUS and Reeflex)
Possibilities seem very limited and it will be impossible to meet all requests.
You should look for housing outside of campus.

Some helpful information :

* ”State allowance” called "Allocation Logement" or “APL” can be delivered by "CAF" organization. This help can cover some of your rental expenses. The amount allocated by the “CAF” organization is assessed based on the amount of the rent itself and "social criteria" : student income, parental income, student isolation, etc. It can go from 1€/month to 200€/month. You can therefore seek for more expensive accommodation (500 euros). Please note that your file will be assessed a few months after moving in, you will therefore have to lend a certain amount of money.

Search for accommodation using the keyword "VISALE"

  • Find accommodation outside Lille: Tourcoing / Roubaix.
    Accommodation will be less expensive and still accessible by public transport.
    Website to check for public transport :