IKS Days

Information Knowledge Society

IKS days will take place on october 4th and 5th, in amphitheater A of LILLIAD, on the campus Cité Scientifique of the University of Lille.

The purpose of this conference is to give you a broad overview of different challenges and open questions that are important to build a society where information is easily transported and shared. In your future professional career, you will interact and collaborate with experts of very different fields. Interdisciplinary research and/or development is not an obvious practice, it takes time to learn how to exchange with other disciplines and appreciate how they contribute in their own way to the success of the project. Therefore, it is better if you experience this now, by meeting with and listening to researchers and students from all over the digital world. 
The fields involved in IKS are very diverse. Computer science, data science and artificial intelligence, mathematics, scientific computing, physics… create concepts and algorithms allowing us to master the complexity of the world. Nanotechnologies, fiber optics contribute to build a connected world where information freely flows. Cognitive sciences and philosophy are essential for humans to interact smoothly with machines, to understand how we acquire and process information and think the world around us, to give sense to the connected human. Advanced technologies for studying and manipulating living systems teach us how living cells are robustly and efficiently exchanging biological information and take life-or-death decisions based on the external and internal inputs they receive.